Audiology - Hearing aids
The audiology service is provided by audiologists from the Audio Conseil group. For more information on the services offered, visit the Audio Conseil website. To take an appointment or for any other questions, contact the Clinique de réadaptation physique Roussillon at the Saint-Constant branch, at 450-632-4666..

Hearing aids

The hearing aid service is offered by hearing care professionals from the team of Linda Rhéaume, audioprothésiste inc. Ms. Rhéaume has been working in the region since 1989. Her job is to sell, adjust, install or replace hearing aids (some of which are paid for by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec). To take an appointment with Ms. Rhéaume’s team, please dial 450-454-3337 or the 1-866-690-4530 toll-free number. When making the appointment, specify that you wish to be seen at the Clinique de réadaptation physique Roussillon of St-Constant.