What is Sensory Rehabilitation for Neuropathic Pain?
Sensory rehabilitation is a specialized therapeutic method for assessing and treating somesthetic disorders. It is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing:
- Burning sensations,
- Electric-like pain, such as radiating sensations,
- Numbness, tingling, or prickling sensations,
- Pain when touching or when fabric touches the skin,
- Reduced sensitivity to touch.
Neuropathic pain affects about 7% of the general population. It can be caused by trauma (injury, fracture, surgery), compression (herniated disc, crushing), infection (bacteria, shingles), or metabolic diseases (diabetes). With 240 cutaneous nerve branches distributed over the skin, the body’s largest organ, pain can occur anywhere.

How Do Sensory Rehabilitation Sessions in Occupational Therapy Work?
At our clinics, a certified occupational therapist in Sensory Rehabilitation for Pain (RSDC®) will evaluate you in a confidential setting. This evaluation aims to identify the affected sensory territory, assess the severity, and the affected area.
You will receive exercises to perform at home to reduce neuropathic pain, whether spontaneous or triggered by your nerve injury. These exercises are simple, require no specific equipment, and can easily be integrated into your daily routine.
Follow-up and Reevaluation
Follow-up appointments will be scheduled based on your needs. These appointments help track your progress, adjust home exercises if necessary, and maximize the effectiveness of sensory rehabilitation.